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ΙστολόγιοUse casesMapping learning with Open Badges for adult education
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Use cases

Mapping learning with Open Badges for adult education

28 Jun, 13:10

Badgecraft together with partner organisations Ha Moment (Portugal), PINA Association (Slovenia) and Paderborn University (Germany) from the adult education field have successfully implemented an upgrade to the badge issuing features of our platform. We are proud to present Badge Map and Badge Collections tools.

Badge Map: visual and connected learning pathways

The underlying idea of Badge Maps is to enable badge issuing organisations to create badge pathways by mapping learning trajectories and pathways and thus offer new ways to validate and recognise learning.

During the first 6 months since the launch of Badge Map feature, more than 50 organisations used this tool in more than 125 badge projects. More than 1100 badge earners have earned more than 5400 badges during this period.

Badge Map feature is intended to help adult education organisations to visualise and related learning experiences into meaningful pathways and offer Open Badges to validate and recognise learning. An example below shows a Badge Map for adult learning pathway to become a professional mentor.

Badge Map gives flexible ways to issue badges

Badge issuers can configure badge dependency relations by managing issuing settings:
  • Badge can be automatically issued after earning the minimum required number of any other badges in the Badge Map
  • Badge can be automatically issued after earning the minimum required number from specific set of badges in the Badge Map
  • Badge can be automatically issued after earning required specific badges in the Badge Map

Such badge dependency relations are visually displayed to learners making them aware of learning opportunities, plan their badge pathways and monitor progress of achievements.

Badge Map solution turns validation and recognition process into granular and meaningful experience fully adapted to flexible learning needs and trajectories of adult learners.

Badge issuing organisations can learn how to create and use Badge Maps in their educational projects by watching video tutorials that were created by partners behind the Badge Map developments.

Additionally, digital version of Guidelines for using Badge Map tool is available for downloads.

Badge Map tool creates new possibilities for badge earners to represent their learning pathways and showcase they achievements. Now, on Badge Wallet side, badge earners can select specific earned badges and organise them into badge collections.

Strategic partnership ‘Learning Map’

All of the above new features were developed during the strategic partnership between expert organisations in the adult and youth education and Badgecraft team. The developments were co-funded through Erasmus+ Adult Education programme.

Η Badgecraft φιλοξενεί αυτήν την πλατφόρμα και την αναπτύσσει μαζί με κορυφαίους εκπαιδευτικούς οργανισμούς. Το πρόγραμμα Erasmus + της Ευρωπαϊκής Ένωσης συγχρηματοδότησε την κατασκευή της πρώτης έκδοσης αυτής της πλατφόρμας. Επικοινωνήστε με το support@badgecraft.eu.
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