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Centar za pomoćCities of Learning360 degree skills assessment

360 degree skills assessment

The 21st-century skills are challenging to develop, assess and recognise. Traditional means of validation and recognition, such as tests and exams, do not capture such skills development. We must adapt and use innovative validation and recognition solutions to new skills, assessment practices and talent development programmes.
Digital Open Badges (micro-credential) have the potential to adapt and be used to validate and recognise learning and achievements within and outside traditional education systems.

The new assessment functionality will enable a 360° assessment system on the Cities of Learning platform. It will combine self-assessment and external feedback from other learners, mentors and supervisors. Activity organisers will be able to upload and use specific competence models aligned to a particular framework of qualification or occupational standard.

In December 2022-August 2023 Cities of Learning platform will advance by having the following skills assessment features and functionalities:


Self-assessment features will include the following:
  • Upload and use skills and competence models for self-assessment and prior-learning validation.
  • Self-assess skills, prior learning and performance along a particular framework of qualification or occupational standard.
  • Gather evidence that showcase skills, competences and experiences.
  • Have a visual overview of skills self-assessment.
  • Identify personal strengths, prioritise needs and goals for personal and professional development.

External feedback

External feedback features will include the following:
  • Request external feedback from peers, mentors and supervisors.
  • Access and review the feedback about skills, competences and performance.
  • Obtain visual data based on the feedback you received.
  • Compare self-assessment and external feedback to identify skills gaps.
  • Have suggestions for personal and professional development.

Plan further learning

Planning learning features will include the following:
  • Identify areas for further personal and professional development.
  • Set learning goals and organise resources accordingly.
  • Share learning progress with peers, mentors and supervisors.

The international partners' consortium will carry out these developments during the Erasmus+ co-funded strategic partnership "21st-century skills recognition for adults in Cities of Learning". Be the first to have access to these new features! Contact support@badgecraft.eu to request early access to new developments.

See visuals from a similar 360-degree skills assessment platform for trainers and adult educators that Badgecraft's team helped to develop. Watch a video tutorial that presents the platform's features.

Da li je ovaj članak bio od pomoći?

360 degree skills assessmentINCoDe competence modelLietuvos jaunimo darbuotojų kompetencijos modelisYWIM Competence framework
Badgecraft drži i razvija ovu platformu sa vodećim obrazovnim organizacijama. Program Evropske unije Erasmus+ odobrio je sufinansiranje za izradu prve verzije ove platforme. Kontaktirajte support@badgecraft.eu.
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